E-mail: volker.karle@ist.ac.at
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Am Campus 1
3400 Klosterneuburg
My fascination for physics originated from youth science competitions during my adolescence. I grew up near Künzelsau in Germany and obtained my bachelor’s degree in Physics at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg where I worked with Andreas Buchleitner on Floquet physics. During a year abroad in Como, Italy, I worked together with Italo Guarneri on classical dynamical localization and enjoyed the Italian way of life. I did my master’s Degree in physics at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and wrote my thesis about binary Bose mixtures in two dimensions under the supervision of Tilman Enss.
Further, I have worked together with Jonathan Donges on interacting tipping elements in the climate system and with Kolja Bailly on machine learning methods for time series prediction. Apart from physics, I am interested in philosophy of science and epistemology. In my free time I enjoy cooking, playing the piano and dancing.